Tuesday, March 24, 2009

last few days in oregon + packing

ok... i really did start packing today. it ain't gonna be easy but it can (and will) be done. i am feeling pretty good about my wardrobe. i actually ended up getting almost all new clothes due to needing professional/dressy attire and fresh stuff for casual/weekend. it is a little overwhelming packing for a long period of time and since i am headed to a country where mostly everyone has a very different body type than me (height/shape/size wise), i am not counting on being able to just pick something up if i decide i need it - that just might not be an option over there (from what i have read online, not only are sizes hard to find but they are also very expensive).

today i got home from a little one nighter trip at the coast 
with my mom. we left yesterday afternoon and headed to eugene where i got to pick up some old favorite foods of mine from my college days (burritos at burrito boy for lunch and a take-out pizza from bene (for dinner)) all i can say is yummm. 

then we drove over to florence and up the good ol' oregon coast all the way to our family beach house in pacific city. it was gorgeous weather (with only a few showery spots) and two of the brightest rainbows we've ever seen. it was a nice way to  spend some of my last oregon time with my ma. i also picked up salt water taffy that i am taking over as gifts. apparently if you come empty handed it is a very big no-no as gift giving is a very big deal there. it doesnt really matter what it is, just the act of it. i hope i got enough! 

this week is final errands, organizations, packing, money getting, etc. i can't quite believe i fly so soon!

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