Wednesday, July 15, 2009

school + vacation

the last few weeks at school have been pretty slow. they haven't been giving me too much to do at school. lots of sitting around trying to stay cool. it has been incredibly hot! about 80 - 90 degrees which doesn't sound that bad but when you add in the crazy humidity, it is pretty unbearable. monday was sports day at my school so i spent the morning out on the field. it was blistering. it's the kind of heat where standing, doing nothing will cause a sweat. i sort of hate it. thank god for the air conditioning in my apartment and in the teachers room at school. the halls and classrooms get so stuffy, upwards of eighty degrees! sometimes i just sweat up a storm at the front of the classroom. it's embarrassing but oh well, i'm not designed for this weather!

tomorrow is my last day of school then summer vacation begins. i will spend the weekend getting ready for my big trip packing and cleaning. right now charles is en route to the philippines from LA. he will arrive on thursday and i will meet him there next week! my flight is tuesday evening out of osaka so i will take a 3 hr bus ride over in the morning, grab lunch, maybe look around osaka station for a minute and then catch a train or shuttle out to the airport. i will land at 10:30 pm in manila where charles will fetch me. we will probably stay in manila for a few days and then head to boracay, an island beach area. then we'll plan what we will do for vietnam! i am so excited to have an adventure!


angela.nored said...

aww fun! im glad you guys have fun things planned!

Bublitz said...

yeah! adventure!!! i know you will have a great time and meet up with Meredith if you can :)

mombo said...

Yeah!!!!! You're on vacation and will have some fun travels. I'm happy you made it this far with the teaching and the heat. Your trip will be fun and you'll have lots of good memories to get you through the winter months! Be safe and smart! Love, Mombo